Bioidentical Hormone replacement Green Bay, WI - Harmonize Health

Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. They are used in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to supplement hormone levels that decline with age or due to medical conditions.

BHRT helps alleviate unpleasant symptoms of hormone imbalance like fatigue, weight gain, low libido, hot flashes, and sleep disturbances. It also has protective effects against various age-related diseases.

When prescribed properly by an experienced hormone specialist, BHRT is a safe and effective anti-aging and wellness treatment. It can significantly improve one's vitality, appearance, and quality of life.

Assessing Hormone Levels

The first step is diagnosing hormone deficiencies or imbalances by testing key hormone levels in saliva, blood or urine samples.

Frequent hormones that decline requiring BHRT:

Based on test results, customized BHRT protocols are designed for one's unique hormonal needs and health goals.

Our Services

Diagnostic Tests

Repeat tests are needed to monitor hormone levels during treatment.

Restore your vitality with bioidentical hormones.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Options

There are multiple delivery methods for bioidentical estrogen, testosterone, thyroid hormone, DHEA, progesterone, and other hormones:

Systemic Delivery

Localized Delivery

Discuss the options with your hormone doctor to decide what is most convenient and suitable for your needs. We offer all mentioned methods of bioidentical hormone therapy at Harmonize Health.

Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Customized bioidentical hormone therapy according to hormone tests provides wide-ranging benefits:

Relief of Hormone Imbalance Symptoms

Finally addresses frustrating symptoms that impact day-to-day life:

Anti-Aging and Longevity

Restored Wellbeing and Vitality

Patients finally get back long lost zest for life:

With an experienced bioidentical hormone specialist like Harmonize Health guiding proper diagnosis, treatment protocols, and monitoring, patients can finally address frustrating hormone-related symptoms and start feeling their best again.

Table 1. General expected effects of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

Hormone Potential Effects
Estrogen Reduced hot flashes, better sleep, mental clarity, skin and hair texture, cholesterol, urogenital atrophy and libido
Testosterone Increased energy, muscle mass and motivation. Improved fat loss, bone density, cognition, mood, self-confidence and libido.
Progesterone Protects uterine lining. Improves sleep, cognition, mood, tissue sensitivity to other sex hormones.
DHEA Enhanced immunity, energy, skin quality, mood, memory, libido. Reduced inflammation.
Thyroid (T3 & T4) Better metabolism, weight loss, body temperature regulation, energy, cognition focus.

Starting Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

The initial steps when embarking on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) are:

  1. Comprehensive lab testing to diagnose hormone imbalances - bloodwork, saliva, sometimes urine tests. Repeat every 3-6 months to monitor.
  2. Thorough health evaluation - medical history, examination, evaluation of symptoms. Ongoing at follow-up visits.
  3. Analysis of lab results and health evaluation is performed to create a customized replenishment plan.
  4. Prescribing bioidentical hormones and doses according to one's unique deficiency, sensitivities, risks, preferences, and goals.
  5. Ongoing follow up and monitoring to ensure optimal levels and make dosage adjustments. Noticeable improvements can take 3-6 months on the protocol.

Starting BHRT with Harmonize Health

As top bioidentical hormone doctors following the latest scientific research and clinical data, here is an overview of our approach:

This leads to the best patient outcomes.

Restore your vitality with bioidentical hormones - consult a specialist today.

A Leader in Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

When it comes to bioidentical hormone doctors and finding an endocrinologist specializing in BHRT, one name rises above the rest - Harmonize Health clinic, based in Green Bay, WI.

With our dedicated hormone specialists guiding proper testing, interpreting results considering patient factors, creating fully customized treatment plans including diet and lifestyle guidance, continually optimizing doses based on follow up testing, our patients get back their health, vitality and overall zest for life.

We focus on identifying root causes of hormone issues, not just treatments of symptoms. Our doctors and nurses provide compassionate support throughout your journey, ensuring treatment protocols are carefully tailored for your unique needs.

We offer all cutting edge hormone testing and a complete range of bioidentical delivery methods - pills, sublingual drops, gels, creams, implants, injections, and localized vaginal options to reverse urogenital atrophy.

Convenient same-day testing and follow up appointments available. We work with all major insurance companies, Medicare and have flexible payment plans. Discounted rates for uninsured patients.

Don't settle for mediocre results from other clinics. Get an obligation-free consult with our bioidentical hormone experts to start your journey towards optimal wellness and longevity today.

Here are some examples of how BHRT from Harmonize Health has completely turned lives around.

Sarah D, age 37 came to us with symptoms of estrogen dominance - heavy periods, bad PMS and migraines before her cycle, fibroids, weight gain and difficulty losing weight around the middle despite exercising. She had very low testosterone as shown on her bloodwork.

We prescribed oral progesterone days 14-28 to rebalance her hormones and protect the uterine lining. We also compounded a testosterone cream that she uses daily on her abdomen.

Within 2 months Sarah's cycles normalized, fibroids shrunk, PMS and migraines disappeared. With her testosterone cream, she has much more energy for chasing her young kids and finally feels like herself again. The weight is gradually coming off without effort.

Michael B, age 52, was struggling with low T for a few years - low energy, enthusiasm and very low libido. This was taking a toll on his marriage. Blood tests showed very low free and total testosterone.

We started Michael on testosterone pellet implants every 4 months to restore levels. By 6 weeks he felt the old pep in his step. Morning erections reappeared. He has more energy for hobbies again and single-handedly remodeled their master bedroom! His wife is delighted with Michael's boosted libido and stamina.

Emily K, age 44,* came to us complaining "I feel like my body is attacking me!" - suffering hot flashes all day despite estrogen/progestin pills. She wasn't sleeping well, had brain fog and anxiety, with vaginal dryness. Her saliva testing showed very low progesterone and bottomed-out adrenal function.

We immediately changed her to bioidentical BiEst cream and progesterone suppositories. We also put her on hydrocortisone to support stressed adrenals. She now gets a great night's sleep which makes all the difference. With hormones balanced she feels calm and clear-headed with no more hot flashes. Her marriage has new zest!

These are just a small sampling of the dramatic restorations our patients enjoy with properly managed BHRT from Harmonize Health.

Bioidentical Hormones FAQ


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can be a game-changer for individuals experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance or deficiency. By restoring optimal hormone levels, BHRT can alleviate a wide range of unpleasant symptoms and provide numerous benefits, including improved vitality, appearance, and overall quality of life.

At Harmonize Health, our dedicated team of hormone specialists is committed to providing personalized care and customized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. We employ comprehensive hormone testing and a range of delivery methods to ensure the most effective and convenient approach to BHRT.

If you're ready to take control of your hormonal health and experience the transformative power of bioidentical hormone therapy, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our experts. Together, we can embark on a journey towards optimal wellness, longevity, and a renewed zest for life.

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